Monday, January 28, 2013

BluApple Giveaway!

Enter to win one of 3 BluApple food freshness preservers!


  1. We use a lot of produce, so this will be great.

  2. I would love to try this because I hate how produce goes bad so quickly!!

  3. I hate when my veggie's go bad!

  4. This is a great idea!

  5. i think this is great idea i would love to win this because my kids love fruits they jsut dont eat them in time i find my self trying to make bannana bread or cakes so they dont go to waste

  6. i juice and make smoothies daily so this would be an awesome thing to have!

  7. I would love to try this we always have so much produce and this would be nice to have!!

  8. I would love to try this! My husband and I have also incorporated juicing into our new vegan lifestyle so our fridge is PACKED with produce! I'd love to see if this helps keep our produce longer!

    Rachel Holt

  9. So need!! Feel so wasteful tossing produce :-(

  10. Would love to have a way to make produce last longer, and these are so cute! :)

  11. We use a lot of produce in our household, and any help in keeping it fresh longer would be awesome!

  12. As a vegan household that shops in bulk these just might be a total money saver.

  13. I hate when I go to my fridge and my produce is bad after only a few days :( I would love to try this!!!!

  14. This product sounds great. I love to have this, sometimes i hesitant to buy many at a time because they go bad this is great.

  15. I love anything that'll save money :)

  16. I would really like to try this. I really struggle with my produce going bad before I get a chance to use it all.

  17. This looks neat and would like to try it!

  18. Looks cool and we never seen this would be cool to win my son eats strawberries and I can never keep them to long seems like I'm always having to go to store for new fresh ones

  19. Never tried this, but looks cool!

  20. i buy and eat so much produce for my family and it would be nice not to have to throw away so much...

  21. I would love to be able to use all of my produce before it goes bad.

  22. I always end up throwing veggies and fruit away because we didn't get to them in time, I would love to see if this product helps the produce stay fresh longer

  23. i would love to win becaz i have noticed my fruits and veggies get nasty and i hope this will help to keep it fresh and longer

  24. This would come in handy because we buy in bulk organic and I will be making my sons baby food in acouple months!

  25. Would help dramatically since we eat tons of produce but certain things akways seem to spoil soo fast

  26. I'd love to be able to buy more produce at once!

  27. I think wasting food is morally wrong. It's my biggest pet peeve!

  28. This looks great. I would love to win!

  29. i would love for our produce to last longer!!!

  30. This would be great so we dont end up throwing so much away!

  31. i tend to leave my veggies in a drawer and forget about them so this would come in handy

  32. My two oldest boys pack their own lunches for school and the rule in our home is that each lunch must contain at least 1 fruit and 1 veggie everyday. I feel like I am constantly having to run to the store to buy produce because I do not want to buy too much at once otherwise it goes bad. This product would most definitly allow me to buy more produce at a time without worrying about it going bad!
