Wednesday, January 23, 2013

LuckyMama Boobie Box Giveaway

Enter to win your own in the form below!


  1. This seems like a really great package! My bestie is ttc right now so I would definitely gift it to her....or keep it for when I finally get to ttc!!!

  2. I would like to win because I was not successful in nursing last time and I am really hoping to have a better time of it this time around.

  3. What an awesome giveaway... I would love to win because Im a breastfeeding mamma that could use all the things in this box!!!

  4. I would love to win so I can try out new things that I haven't heard of :)

  5. What a fun box for mom's! I would love to win this because i'm having a little boy in less then 9 weeks...

  6. that is an awesome giveaway! I Love your channel!

  7. I'd love to win this because I'm currently nursing my 3 month old.

  8. thanks so much for yet another cool giveaway :)

  9. I am expecting my second baby in a few months and had a very difficult time nursing my first. I had such a hard time of it that I ended up exclusively pumping - I pray every day that its easier this time around! Thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I am pregnant with my second and this box has everything I needed with my first when I was breastfeeding!!!

  11. I want to win because of the undercover mama gift certificate :)

  12. I have been wanting to try all the things in this box. I have the bamboobies and know their amazing.

  13. I am currently nursing a 2month old and I have a friend that is pregnant with her second so whatever I can't use I will be giving to her. I love everything in the box! Sounds really good.

  14. I would love this box because it helps that I can try out so many great products.

  15. I am currently nursing a 2month old and I have a friend that is pregnant with her second so whatever I can't use I will be giving to her. I love everything in the box! Sounds really good.

  16. Love this box I am nursing my 12 month old still and still love nursing goodies!

  17. I'd love to win. We do so much for our kiddos. I'd love to win something for myself.

  18. I'm a ftm due in June n really would love to try these products out!

  19. I'm a ftm due in June n really would love to try these products out!

  20. This box is great! Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. Forgot to leave why I'd like to win it...

    I just found out I'm pregnant a week ago, and I would love the opportunity to try these products.

  22. Having a baby girl in May and this box looks amazing to try out some products!!

  23. TTCing for #2 and would love to try all of these products.

  24. I would like to win because we are currently TTC for the first time and would love to get a head start on preparing for baby.

  25. First baby due in 3 months... I could use it!

  26. Love this giveaway! I'm BFeeding my baby, she's 2 months now!! Thank you!!!

  27. I would love to win, this is an awesome goodie box for nursing moms!

  28. I would love to win this! We are pregnant with our first child and I definitely plan to bf!

  29. Just had a baby and would love to sample some new products!

  30. This is an awesome giveaway! Great products that I would love to have!!!

  31. Seems like such a great bundle of gifts!! It would be awesome to win

  32. I would love to win this box just because it has some very cool items fyi love your vids

  33. my cousin in law is having her first baby n would love to give her this as a gift n encourage her to breast feed

  34. I'm expecting my second baby and have been unsuccessful with my first. I really want to bf this one. Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

  35. I have a 5 month old nursling and would love to try some of the awesome products I can see in that box. I've never had a lactation cookie!

  36. I would love to win this because it had so many products that I've seen or heard of but haven't been able to try yet. Very cool...thanks for sharing! !

  37. im about to be nursing two babies and i could use all the support and encouragement i can get. thank for the giveaway!

  38. Kristen Brown - Mom of TwinsJanuary 23, 2013 at 8:10 PM

    I would like to win this box to help with breast feeding the next baby :-)

  39. It would really be amazing to be able to win this!!

  40. It would really be amazing to be able to win this!!

  41. I love this box! Every breastfeeding mommas dream in a box!

  42. I would love to win this for my oldest who just had a preemie baby boy. She deserves to get something special in the mail.

  43. I would love it because I loved seeing what you got in your box! Id also like to try out the newest natural nursing items on the market right now!

  44. This is a great box! My sister-in-law is pregnant and this would make a great gift for her!!

  45. I would love to win this because bf'ing didnt go so well the first time around so with this baby I am hoping it goes a little better and I think this box would help! So excited!

  46. I would love to win this for a best friend of mine who has just had a baby this would be beautiful as a gift to her :)

  47. I would like to win this for my friend who is pregnant now after 11 years of ttc. Love the box!

  48. I would love to win this because I am a new mom and have been breast feeding my daughter since she was born. She is now a healthy 16lbs 6 month old. I always love to try new products especially when it comes to making life a little bit easier with breastfeeding.

  49. I would love to win this! We just had our first child and these would definitely help with breastfeeding.

  50. I would like to win because I'm a new mom and I'm having trouble keeping my milk supply up. My son was in the NICU and I have to pump to feed him because he won't latch. I'm also cloth diapering.

  51. I'm expecting my first baby in June and found out Friday that it's a girl! We are super excited and I plan to breastfeed her. This box would be super helpful as a way to try some things and figure out if I like them before spending all the money on them. :)

  52. Saul and Christina CosgroveJanuary 24, 2013 at 6:39 AM

    I would love to win this!!! I am my 5 week old!!

  53. I would love to win this box! I'm going to be a first time Mama in August. I just had my first ultrasound, it was so exciting! I'm planning on breastfeeding and cloth diapering, and this box looks awesome!

  54. Would give the box as a gift, My sister-in-law had a baby yesterday and my best friend is doing April Both first-time moms will be breast-feeding

  55. Great Giveaway :) what an awesome gift that will be for a lucky winner :)

  56. I will be nursing my 4th baby soon (if he ever decides to arrive :D) and I would love to try some of these products!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. I know a soon-to-be mama who would love this box! I love Motherlove and Bamboobies myself!

  59. Id love to try one of these box subscriptions! It would be my first one.

  60. i would love to win this packet because it will be a huge help with breastfeeding my baby girl that will be here in three weeks.

  61. I would love to win this box. beause i will be a first time mom in 4 weeks!! and breastfeeding is new to me.. so trying this stuff would be GREAT!!! :)

  62. Nursed all my girls and would love the box!

  63. I would love to win this giveaway. I'm due April 25th. Thanks!

  64. I would love to win some free breast feeding stuff for baby #2.

  65. I'd like to win it because I am finally successfully breastfeeding (baby no.3!) and it would be amazing :)

  66. I'd love to win because I would love to pass it on to a pregnant friend! I bought a box for myself.

  67. I really want one to gift to an expecting friend!

  68. I would love to win this because I plan on breastfeeding my little girl as long as I can and these items look like they would help me do that.

  69. I am a nursing mom and love Bamboobies! I would love this box!

  70. My best friend is pregnant with her first child, due in June! I'd love to give this as a gift to her!!

  71. I would like to win because as a nursing mom, I know all these products are awesome! If I win and am feeling generous I may even give it to my sister in law who is due in June!

  72. I am a nursing mom and would love to try out these things! I think this box is such a great thing for any nursing moms.

  73. we are hoping to have another soon and that would be a great thing to have (and I am still nursing our 18 month old)

  74. I am nursing my son, so I would love to try out these nursing products :)

  75. I am currently pregnant with twins & would so love to be able to use all the products. I plan on nursing both babies.

  76. Great unboxing video! It was like a clown car - the stuff just kept coming! I'd love to win because I'm due in March and plan to breastfeed this baby too. Its nice to see all the companies that are supporting breastfeeding moms.

  77. awesome giveaway! would love to try =)

  78. I am expecting baby number 6 in about 4 months and would love to win! I haven't tried all the products either.

  79. I am expecting baby #3 in a few months... Have never had great success BFing with my other kids, and am hoping it will go a LOT better this time around. These items seem to be little "helpers", to aid in success.

  80. I'm a nursing mommy and love all those products!

  81. I want to win because I am a breastfeeding mom, but I also teach natural childbirth classes, am a doula, and am getting certified as a lactation educator. I would love to share these products with my students!

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. I would love to win this box because I am expecting my first, and plan to exclusively breastfeed! This would help so much!

  84. I would like to win so I can try new products that I would not ordinarily try.

  85. I would like to win because I'm due in July and I am going to breastfed my baby. This giveaway has things that will help me out with breastfeeding.

  86. I am expecting in August and I plan to breastfeed. This would be a great gift!

  87. I want to win this for my daughter who is a new Mom and just made me a Grandma and she is nursing her daughter.

  88. That is an awesome box! I had trouble breastfeeding my first child and this box definitely would have helped!

  89. This would be a great gift for my best friend due in April!!!

  90. Id love to win this box because I know how hard it was for me to start and continue nursing my now 1 year old. I have a couple of pregnant ladieshis box in my family that I'd love to encourage to breastfeed. This box has everything that helped me make it this far.

  91. i would love to win this for a friend that is in need

  92. I would love to win because I would love to try all the products that are included in the box!

  93. It has been 5 years since I had my last baby and feel like I am starting all over! Need to know what is new out there and this box looks AWESOME!!!

  94. I'm expecting my first baby at the end of April and looking forward to breastfeeding. This would be a great box to have a bunch of good things to try!

  95. I would love to win! I have been thinking about getting two boxes (1 for myself 1 for my sister who is due in august) I think its a great ammount of stuff :)

  96. we are ttc for #2, and i want to breast feed my second like i was able to for my first!

  97. We just found out we are pregnant with our third child and plan on breastfeeding.

  98. I would love to try all these products!

  99. hi, that's a box where i would be able to use everything ;)

  100. It would be an amazing gift for my cousin, or my girlfriend, regardless im going to lurk on lucky mama boxes, what a cool thing!

  101. Just had our baby girl two weeks ago and this would be amazing to receive! Be very helpful :)

  102. I would love to try out the things in here!

  103. I would like to win this box because I will be a first time mom this coming May and a lot of the things in the box would be helpful!

  104. Would love this! This is the first child that I get to other baby just didn't work out.

  105. id love to try bc my second son is due in may and i plan to nurse him 2 years like i did my first!

  106. id love to win this! i love your videos by the way!
